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  • Writer's pictureRosy Pereira

Goan Batk(Bolo de Rulao)

Goan Batk/Batica is a traditional cake from Goa made with semolina(rawa) and coconut.

it is dense and moist,its mostly done on festive occasions but I enjoy it all year round with a cup of chai.


👉2 cups semolina/rava

👉2 cups coconut(fresh coconut or desicated)

👉5 eggs

👉1 1/2 cup milk

👉100 gms melted butter

👉1/2 tsp freshly ground cardamom powder

👉1 1/2 cup sugar

👉1 tsp vanilla essence

👉1 tsp baking powder

👉Few Raisins and cashew nuts(optional)


👉In a bowl beat together eggs and sugar,to this add vanilla essence whisk it until sugar dissolves well and it becomes fluffy.

👉Now add coconut(you can grind the coconut if you desire) combined it altogether then add the melted butter mix it well.

👉Now fold in semolina, the mixture now will be very thick to mix so now add in milk and the cardamon powder mix altogether,let it set for 8 hrs or overnight.

👉Next morning add the baking powder, raisins cashew nuts give it a good mix...if the mixture is too thick add in little milk or coconut milk.

👉The Batter should be of dropping consistency rather than pouring consistency.

👉Pre heat the oven on 200 degrees for 10 min...Grease in the baking tin with little butter and then put a parchment paper...put in the mixture and bake it for 30 min...or until golden brown, you can check if it is done by inserting a Toothpick in,if it comes out clean then it’s done..when cool cut into desired pieces....Enjoy it with a cup of tea.

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